ArcImaging Donations

You can help by giving a donation:

If you would like to give tax-deductible contributions (US only), ArcImaging now has the confidential ArcImaging Capitalization Proposal available for the current year ArcImaging Research Activities including the Mount Ararat Ice Cap Sub-surface Survey and much more archaeological research. The ArcImaging Capitalization Proposal is available for high net-worth individuals and organizations. For those interested, please contact the ArcImaging Director of Finance Gary Pryor to apply for the ArcImaging Capitalization Proposal and subsequent tax-deductible contributions. Archaeological Imaging Research Consortium (ArcImaging) is a completely certified and official 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Private Foundation that can legally accept Tax Deductible Donations and Contributions.

US Donations
Every US donor will receive a receipt that they may use as a Tax Deduction in their Tax Return. Make Check or MoneyOrder payable to ArcImaging

Mail your US donation to
C/O Rex Geissler
2927 Newbury Court
Highlands Ranch, CO 80126

Canadian Donations
If you would like to donate to the Canadian Member of the Team make your Check or MoneyOrder payable to David Graves. There are no Tax Deductable receipt available at this time for Canadian Donations.

Mail your Canadian donation to
C/O David Graves
169 Woodleigh St.
Moncton, New Brunswick
E1C 9K2

Please send other inquiries to ArcImaging