“A number of sherds of Kuro-Araxes manufacture (black or
grey polished, contrasting
interior/exterior, grit-tempered) seem much earlier than the EBA II-III wares, but their shapes is
reminiscent of Late Chalcolithic
more than EB I types (pl. V : 1-3) : these are low-collared jars with a simple, slightly everted rim. Another type
also rather alien to the
Kuro-Araxes repertoire is a large-necked jar with a slightly flaring collar and a horizontal lug (pl. VII : 3)… It is
possible that such pottery [found at Sağliksuyu] represents some kind of proto-Kuro-Araxian
ware; a hypothesis which, if
confirmed, would be very interesting as regards to the puzzle of the origins and development of the Early
Bronze Transcaucasian
broadlines chronology are the following :
–EBA I = ca.
3400-2900/2800 ; EBA II = ca. 2900/2800-2600
; EBA III = ca. 2600-2200.
•French Archaeologist
C. Marro and Turkish Archaeologist A. Özfirat, 2003,“Pre-classical Survey in Eastern Turkey. First preliminary Report : the
Agrı Dag (Mount Ararat) region" , Anatolia Antiqua XI