W. H.
Shea. 1984. A comparison of narrative elements in ancient Mesopotamian
creation-flood stories with Genesis 1-9. Origins 11:9-29.
E. A.
Speiser. 1955. Akkadian myths and epics, In J. B. Pritchard (ed.),
Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, pp. 101-103.
Princeton University Press, Princeton. For my detailed analysis of the Adapa
Epic, see: W. H. Shea. 1977. Adam in ancient Mesopotamian traditions. Andrews
University Seminary Studies 15:27-42.
p. 39.
For a
useful discussion of these wisemen and the sources in which they are referred
to, see: W. W. Hallo, 1970, Antediluvian cities, Journal of Cuneiform Studies
For a
discussion of these textual variants, see Ibid., pp. 61-63.
A. L.
Oppenheim. 1955. Babylonian and Akkadian historical texts. In ANET,
pp. 265-266. See Note 1 for complete reference.
"Antediluvian Cities," p. 62.
p. 64.
p. 65, n. 95.
E. A.
Speiser. 1985. Genesis. Anchor Bible. 3rd ed. Vol. 1, p. 42. Doubleday,
Garden City, New York.
W. H.
Shea. 1984. A comparison of narrative elements in ancient Mesopotamian
creation-flood stories with Genesis 1-9. Origins 11:25.
Jacobsen. 1981. The Eridu Genesis. Journal of Biblical Literature
100:513-529. For the discussion of man's nomadic conditions before he was
granted the gift of kingship, see especially pp. 516-518.
Genesis, p. 42.
W. G.
Lambert and A. R. Millard. 1969. Atra-Hasis: the Babylonian story of the
flood. Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 67, 71, and 73.