$325,132 to complete the research
Zero $ are salaries for ArcImaging!! This is only for research
•1. Ice Cap Survey Equipment $ 119,935
•2. Ice Cap GPR Training $ 5,962
•3. Travel, Transportation & GPR
Consulting $ 98,208
•4. Fees $ 7,500
•5. Archeological Surface Survey
Equipment $ 2,685
•6. Post Expedition Costs $ 6,860
•7. Satellite Imagery $
•8. Miscellaneous $ 3,408
•9 Miscellaneous Reimbursable $
•10. Applications Reimbursable $ 206
•11. Ataturk University Visit
Reimbursable $ 9,415
•12. Contingency $ 50,000
• Totals $
• ArcImaging
provides third-party accounting, audits and financial reports to be above
reproach according to Christian principles
• Line item
budget available in the ArcImaging Capitalization Proposal