Badi pointed out the mountain up in the sky with a white
cloud on the top of it and told
Davis the name of the mountain "Agrı, Agrı." Ed Davis said
that when he pointed to
a snow-covered peak, he asked Abas if that was not “Mt. Ararat” where Noah’s Ark came to rest. Abas replied that it was, but
they called it “Agrı Dagi.” That
name is applied to Mt. Ararat in eastern Turkey and no other mountain.
Ed Davis wrote in his 1943 Bible, "Went to Ararat
with Abas. We saw a big ship on a
ledge in two pieces. I stayed with him at the big house. It rained and snowed
for ten days." Why did
Badi and Ed name the mountain “Agri” and “Ararat”?
Ed Davis passed a lie detector test where 3 of the
questions were that he was on Mount
Ed Davis stated, “We were supplying Russians. They were
using Iranian boys to be truck
Ed Davis stated, “The Lur told me if it were clear they
could see into Iran and Russia.”
Ed Davis stated, “My company commander said I could go up the mountain.”